Get real. Eat real foods.
Its time to ditch the processed foods for real foods, but have we lost our way and don’t know what real foods are or even where to find them?
Frozen meals, energy drinks even your morning muffin or croissant contains all sorts of ‘unknown’ ingredients that cause not only weight gain but inflammation, weakens your immune system not to mention slows your recovery time if you are currently in training for a big race.
So how can you tell processed food from real food? The food label is generally a give away – the more ingredients and numbers the more processed and if this is the case and you don’t recognize some or all of the ingredients, the golden rule is – don’t by the product.
Real food more often than not doesn’t have a label and if it does, it contains a list, a short list of ingredients you are familiar with such as 30% apple, 30% pear and 40% spring water. No science degree needed to read these ingredients.
Eating a diet of feal food means focusing on fresh fruit & vegetables, eating the colours of the rainbow. From yellow, red and orange capsicums, purple cabbage and eggplants to the green of cucumbers, zucchini, kale and bok choy Mother Natures provides an array of colours & nutrients in the foods she grows.
In addition to fresh organic in-season produce complete your diet with grains & pseudograins; brown rice, quiona, freekah, pearl cous cous and millet these products only have one ingredient – the name gives that away.
Include protein in your diet but not over processed proteins such as soy products, gluten and TVP (textured vegetable protein). Consuming clean proteins such as miso, lentils, hemp & chia seeds, almonds, beans and tempeh are recommended protein sources with little processing.
As we make a beeline to September, spring is on its way, which means summer isn’t that far away and what do we all want come summer – summer bodies!
No doubt you are reading the words – cleanse and detox around the place and this has got you thinking; how do you now undo what you consumed in winter to get you healthy and in shape for summer?
We will talk more about this later but just a hint – it doesn’t involve any 3-5 day fruit cleanses, just food.
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