From Farm to Fork
Ever thought about trekking across Tasmania to raise awareness and funds to support our farmers and our future? Rebecca Mumford of Greenhill Living has and will be doing so in February 2017 as part of the Landcare From Farm to Fork Tasmania Trek Challenge (Launceston to Hobart).
Rebecca Mumford is a food garden educator and author and just happens to be my twin sister. I guess you could say we are partners in crime – she grows plants, I am powered by plants.
Where does a plant-based diet start? From the ground up planting a seed not only in the ground but also in the minds of those who will one day change the landscape of our future, our children.
An author of a series of books titled ‘The Garden Gang’ Rebecca’s goal is to inspire those to understand where food comes from and how to nurture our gardens to grow sustainable food to fuel and nourish. Rebecca is about ‘DIY’ but also about supporting those who work hard to put the food on your table.
Do you know where your carrots come from? The lifestyle from seed to sow and plot to plate? We can all learn something from these wonderfully illustrated and written series of books not to mention Rebecca’s infectious enthusiasm to see us eat better.
How we grow our food and where it comes from goes hand in hand with how we feel and our longevity when it comes to health. I may not have a large plot to grow my greens and rainbow colour of vegetables but I know the importance of supporting ethical and sustainable growth when it comes to purchasing my weekly vegetable haul. From organic grocers to organic farmers markets, I know who grows my food and the work that goes into producing food grown with integrity and value. Sure I may pay a little more for organic produce but the person who I pay can tell me when my food was picked, how it was grown and why I can’t get tomatoes all year around.
Buying food direct from the farmer is not elite or difficult to come by. The growth of local farmers markets is expanding by the week and no doubt if you look you will find one around the corner in your local school or community ground.
I invite you to build a greater connection with a farmer and understand further the origin of your food. And why not donate to Rebecca’s fundraising page to show your support and help her secure the future of tomorrow’s farmers.
How can you donate?
20% of books sales sold through Open Books will be donated to the challenge. To buy your copies visit: YourBooksOnline
Purchase from Matilda Bookshop, 8 Mount Barker Road, Stirling SA 5152
Donate to the Aussie Farmers by donating direct to the Landcare From Farm to Fork via Rebecca’s fundraising page
Our future thanks you for your support.
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