We first started lining up at the Smith & Daughters restaurant in March 2014 and over 2 years later the line ups haven’t gone away – doesn’t that tell you something about the food creations of this restaurant?
Founders Shannon and Mo set out to redefine vegan food and to open a plant-based restaurant that was inclusive not exclusive to the ever growing vegan community. In June 2015 they opened Smith & Deli and in October 2016 the release of the much anticipated cookbook that just happens to be vegan – the world really is their (vegan) oyster.
This cookbook as they clearly state ‘IS NOT HEALTH FOOD’ their one motto is ‘good food that happens to be vegan’ and this includes some deep fried foods such as jalapeño & corn fritters and tostones (plantains) but this is balanced out with braised barley & peas and garlic & chilli kale. Our favourite recipe by far is the white truffle forest mushroom pate….we could live off this dish, we honestly could.
This cookbook is easy to follow with ingredients found in your local supermarket, organic grocery or at Smith & Deli if you are lucky enough to live in Melbourne. We can’t recommend this book enough and is a must in any omnivore or plant-based eaters bookshelf.
To learn more about the authors, creators and cooks visit Smith and Daughters.
Purchase Now
To purchase your copy of this very special vegan cookbook, we encourage you to click here