Some individuals have greater mountains to climb than others. Some choose to look at the mountain and let the challenge defeat them without ever taking one step. And then there are those who see the challenge as an opportunity, an opportunity to reveal their true character and to get to the other side, at times seeing another mountain but not letting that deter them. They are fighters.
Like most people, Turia Pitt’s story was known to me after she was badly burned in a bushfire in 2011 but that was just the introduction, the elevator pitch. The real story and journey of Turia Pitt hasn’t been defined by the fire itself but her recovery, resilience and her true grit to see life as an opportunity not a burden. I am both inspired and motivated by Turia, her attitude to life is infectious, her attitude of its hard, its bloody hard but nothing good comes of it being easy is was connects me with Turia.
After reading the pages of Unmasked, I realise the fire all of a sudden becomes the insignificant part of her story, for Turia has now created something much more memorable. Sure the fire was the stepping stone to now but she has created a movement far stronger than the flames on that fateful day. With grace and pure grit Turia has you seeing and appreciating the sunrise everyday and all with a smile, we really do live a beautiful life we just needed someone like Turia to remind us of that.
To read more about Turia Pitt and her journey visit: Turia Pitt and to purchase her books click here.