Being the inaugural race, I had the numbers for elevation, a profile map and detailed description notes but what I didn’t have was first hand knowledge of just how undulating, brutal and relentless this course was.
Healing, Rehab and Running – The Achilles Tendon
Recovery takes times but it can take longer than you ideally like if you don’t follow the advice of those who are providing recommendations backed by years of research & experience.
The road to recovery
Once you open your mind to acceptance you are able to listen and digest the information that is thoughtfully, mindfully and professionally being passed onto you, why? Because you have removed all the roadblocks in your mind and created an openness that only acceptance can offer.
How to deal with an injury
I don’t want to be comfortable with pain, I don’t want to accept it – this is not my new normal. I want my old normal back.
How to run Oscars Hut2Hut
You can’t rush recovery especially when it comes to an Achillies. Tendon issues are temperamental and frustrating but they also teach you a lot about your mental strength and determination.
Aussie Bush Tucker
The likes of the kangaroo and emu feature on the Australian coat of arms as well as appearing on our dinner plates by those embracing the so-called true Australian culture. But what happens if you choose not to eat our most recognisable assets?
Tour De Adelaide
What you notice about Adelaide and its producers is; its small, its boutique and true craftsmanship has gone into producing the best product for the consumer.
How to be fitter, musclier and sexier in 2019
Having followed a plant-based vegan diet for over 25 years and with each new year, I am becoming stronger, healthier and what seems, younger. Want to feel the same way?
Welcome to 2019!
The year of the Pig: fortune, luck and personality. Pigs have a beautiful personality and are blessed with good fortune in life. Isn’t it time to live a more Planted Life?
What do vegans eat at Christmas
“Don’t forget to get enough food for 30-40 days over Christmas because the shops will be closed for 12 hours.”
How to camp with a vegan
Females these days are fiercely independent, confident and more than capable to survive (& thrive) in the wildness alone.
How to navigate Great Southern Endurance Run
A course as brutal as it was beautiful this race still has me suffering a slight case of PTSD when exposed to the terrain which saw me scramble, hike, run, walk and hallucinate my way through for 47 hours.
How to eat well when travelling – Manly, NSW
When I travel locally, interstate or overseas I do my research when it comes to finding cafes and restaurants that are going to feed me well and most importantly feed me quality plant-based vegan fare.
How much do you trust yourself?
Trust is your body armour, your new-found persona and something that sets you apart from those around you.
How to run Blackall100
I definitely suffered in this race more than the heat and humid adapted locals but my mindset helped me overcome the difficulty of what I could not control.
How to recover as a Planted Athlete
“Anyone can train hard. Do you have the discipline to recover?” – Lauren Fleshman
How to adopt a plant-based diet
I’m not unique or different to you. In fact, I am just like you. I just decided one day to make a change just like you are going to do one day.
What does a day eating a plant-based diet look like?
I feel we tend to over complicate the foods we eat; think about your top 20 foods and then figure out ways to incorporate these into quick and easy meals.
How to run Yurrebilla 56km
I wasn’t sick. I didn’t have a cold nor did I have a hamstring issue that two days before the race made me book a last-minute appointment with a physio who I was hoping was going to tell me everything was OK.
What to do come race week
During the course of the race be present in the activity; the more connected you are to your running, the longer you’ll be able to keep running.
How to run Wonderland Mount Rosea Radness
My mantra for this race was ‘Run Mindful, Run Free’ I had this on repeat in my head from the start to finish. I wasn’t sure where I was going to place for this run but I had a goal and I was running towards that.
How does your diet make you feel?
If your current diet is making your feel tired and unwell, then its time to make some changes for the better.
Foods every runner needs to eat
Runners see food a little different. Its not just something we eat to stop the stomach rumbling but something we eat for fuel, performance and most importantly to aid recovery.
Can we change our dietary habits?
When you look back on the foods you grew up with, which foods do you think about the most? And how vastly different are your food choices now to when you were growing up?
Can Potatoes Help You Lose Weight?
We all know that potatoes make you fat, right? Potatoes are just empty carbs, no different to eating pure table sugar, right? Wrong!
Keeping fit on a holiday
Most folk might think we crazy but despite 10 days of non-stop swim, bike and run which included the hinterland and coastal trails and waters; we feel fitter at the end of the break than we did at the start.
Turing over a new leaf
I once heard a saying that if you can’t drink tea, life is not worth living. So how do I feel about this 2 weeks on from giving up my daily cup of Earl Grey tea?
A metre does matter
The meter matter campaign is simple: when a vehicle is overtaking a cyclist, the driver needs to allow a minimum passing distance of one metre.
The power of trust
Find the power of now and trust. Monitor your progress and believe the sky is not the limit, your mindset and outlook have no boundaries.
How to cook with tofu
Not everyone likes tofu, in fact speak out loud that you are having tofu for dinner and all that is within earshot will shudder with fear.
How to run UTA100
Belief: an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof | Trust, faith or confidence in (someone or something)
How to run Buffalo Stampede
This is not a race for the faint hearted; you need to befriend hurt. The rules of this race are; “don’t worry about the things you can’t control, focus on the things you can.”
Race Week Preperation
“Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional. Say you’re running and you think, ‘Man, this hurts, I can’t take it anymore. The ‘hurt’ part is an unavoidable reality, but whether or not you can stand anymore is up to the runner himself.”
Nutrient Deficiency – Iron
Can you run an endurance trail run in the mountains with over 5500m+ of ascent, be a female athlete and be low in iron? This plant-based female athlete was just about to find out.
Gutsy Girls Adventure Film Tour Blog – Built in the Fire
GSER; despite the delusional ramblings her exhausted mind was conjuring, despite the exertion that gripped every inch of her body, Amanda had never felt so electrifyingly alive.
How to run Oscars Hut2Hut
“You suck it up, remember why you are doing this, and keep going.” Oscars Hut2Hut is a Alpine Adventure for Autism and will have you muttering the event mantra more than once over the 100km distance ‘Just Another Fucking Climb’.
Ultra Endurance Races – What does a vegan athlete eat?
‘Endurance running is a eating contest with a bit of running thrown in for good measure.’ You are basically eating all the time in order to ingest adequate calories to see your body endure the trials and tribulations of an ultra endurance event.
GSER Podcast – 3 Stories by Women
The GSER 100 – as it is known – is the hardest 100 mile trail race in the Southern Hemisphere and the 5th hardest in the world based on elevation gains. 3 women sat down with Jen Brown to discuss this brutal but beautiful race. The conversation is captivating.
Three things I discovered in 2017
The new year is the same but different. The world keeps turning, the bills keep coming and we continue on our path of the pursuit of happiness and peace. Here’s to living a more Planted Life.
How to run GSER 181km
I had prepared myself for the physical challenge of this race and to a certain degree the mental challenge but what I didn’t prepare myself for was the strange altered states of consciousness that brought with it some very disconcerting hallucinations. Thankfully I felt comfortable with 98% of what I saw, the other 2% still leaves me a little frightened.
Planted Christmas List
Welcome to our list of Christmas ideas to see you well fed, well fuelled and gifts that will have your keen to explore the world around you by foot as there is nothing like being amongst nature to remind us of the beauty we have surrounding us.
Interview with Iron Mumma
My FaceBook interview with Abi aka Iron Mumma as she prepares for her first half Ironman distance, Port Macquarie, early May 2018. As well as documenting her training and journey, Abi is posting weekly interviews with people who inspire her.
How to run Wonderland Rosea Run
When you can identify your strengths and weaknesses you can run a hard race with purpose all the while learning lessons along the way. The race that was Wonderland.
How to run Surf Coast Trail Marathon
The Surf Coast Trail marathon is a wild race and with the tag line ‘where the wild things are’ you couldn’t find a more eclectic race. There maybe blue skies and sunshine but you might, just might find king tides as well.
Are you eating enough Mother Nature?
When imperfect is perfect. After adopting an organic lifestyle over 15 years ago it soon became apparent that the produce I was purchasing did not look like that found in conventional supermarkets, featured on TV or pictured in magazines.
How to eat your fluid
As well as drinking eight to ten glasses of water each day eating your daily intake of fruit and vegetables will provide adequate water to stay hydrated.
Make an investment in your health
The Plant Fit summit takes you on a journey to health and peak performance regardless of your age or fitness level – all under the guidance of leading doctors and other experts including Planted Life.
How to eat after a half marathon
Food is one of the key pieces of the puzzle when it comes to optimal recovery. A smart recovery nutrition plan will help improve your energy levels and decrease inflammation.
Adopting a plant-based diet
You want to make a difference; you want to see your food choices make change in how you feel maybe even how you look and you might also like to see a change in the production of our food, less factory farms, more kindness.
30-Day Plant-based Challenge
For a whole month we are encouraging you to take a break from animal products and follow a plant-based diet for 30 days.
The superfoods YOU should be eating
By definition superfoods are “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and wellbeing.” Superfoods are nutrient powerhouses that pack large doses of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.
The Perfect Green Smoothie
What makes the perfect green smoothie? There is so much hype around smoothies, you can’t swipe through social media without seeing a picture of a bikini clad female on a white sandy beach drinking one. But are they really that good for you?
The Way of Tea
I always regarded myself as a tea drinker however it wasn’t until being drawn into the Storm in a Teacup world did I truly understand the spiritual ritual of tea. I still have a lot to learn but the journey so far is making me richer.
What to eat when you are a plant-based Ironman
You are a (plant-based) Ironman. What does a plant-based vegan Ironman eat outside of chocolate milk, scrambled eggs, bacon and hamburgers?
Powered by Plants Podcast
From dispelling the myths that all vegans are tree hugging hippies, weak and nutritionally challenged to defining why I use the term “plant-based” more than I do “vegan” to define my lifestyle food choice.
How to run 100km with a 2hr+ PB
Running 100km isn’t easy but I find comfort in this distance, I believe this distance suits me. Physically and mentally I am strong enough to handle the pace and time on course… where else would I rather be?
How to make Hemp Seed Hummus
One of the healthiest options for an ‘anytime’ snack is hummus; made using chickpeas, oil, garlic, lemon juice and tahini this dip provides you with protein and a number of other essential vitamin and minerals.
The re-branding rules
Tarian Pantry has grown into Planted Life, a business further focusing on the wellness and performance benefits when following a plant-based diet now with a few differences; a greater focus on the mind and body.
How to feel the flow
“The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times… The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
How to eat more fruit & vegetables
April 2017 saw the release of a report, which dove deep into the fruit, vegetable and juice consumption of 145,000 Australian adults and showed 4 out of 5 Australians are not eating enough.
A vegan Easter
Dairy free Easter treats DO exist and if you look hard enough you will find them just about everywhere. From the humble raw carrot to chocolate bunnies no vegan needs to be left out of the Easter hunt.
Meatless March – The End
Meatless March; we anticipated there were going to be some challenging times but you have surprised yourself about how easy it was to go meat free haven’t you?
How to run the Buffalo Stampede
I achieved what I set out to do, to place but by no means was this race easy, actually it was one of the toughest races I have done but something was different this race.
The secret to better health
What is the secret to better health and wellness? I have reaped the health benefits of eating in-season, eating local produce and eating foods with little to no processing. My plate is filled with the good stuff; life giving foods not life taking.
Meatless March
There is much misinformation, no information, conflicting information or Pete Evans and his talk of a paleo diet when it comes to talking about a vegan diet. Confused? You shouldn’t be.
Meat free Mondays
It all started with Meat Free Mondays and now we have upsized and entered into Meatless March, its important to realise here that change eventually creates new and improved habits.
Meatless March
Australians are amongst the biggest meat eaters in the world per capita. This month is all about going meat free and when we say meat free we mean 100% plant-based!!! The challenge has been set to replace the pork on your fork.
Probiotic supplements or fermented foods?
Supplement or real food? When it comes to good bacteria there is a time and place for both but with our list of favourite fermented foods; the choice is easy – real foods.
The secret to finding mindfulness
The practice of yoga is defined as a group of physical, mental and spiritual practices or disciplines with intention – it is an art based on harmonising systems of development for the body, mind and spirit.
Welcome to 2017
How are the New Year resolutions going? Are you following any foodie trends into the New Year: high protein, paleo, plant-based?
How to make a Bircher Muesli
This is a quick and easy recipe, perfect for all busy athletes on the go. You can make a big batch and refrigerate for up to a week, now this has to be the ideal time-friendly breakfast.
How to make Smashed Avocado
Ave you had an avo today? This fruit has a high nutrient value even though it is high in fat, its high in healthy fats and an essential Tarian Pantry food source.
How to make Roasted Maple Dutch Carrots
An easy to make and sensational looking dish to serve on a platter to feed at your next party or family gathering. The sweetness of maple syrup compliments the earthy flavours of the turmeric spice blend and Dutch carrots.
What should you be buying at the supermarket?
Supermarkets can be confusing not to mention overwhelming when trying to change eating habits. We look to change our habits come the 1st January but why wait? Adopt new habits today kick starting sooner rather than later.
The Christmas Countdown
There are now only 16 days to go until we wake up knowing that an intruder named Santa snuck into our houses overnight and delivered an array of presents – well that’s what we will tell the kids, just maybe not using those exact words!
Make your own Macro bowl
The definition is “consisting of or relating to a diet of organic wholefoods which is based on Buddhist principles of the balance of yin and yang.” When it comes to a macrobiotic meal, it’s about a natural balance, a simplified form of balanced eating comprised of all the macronutrients; carbohydrates, protein and fat.
Countdown to Christmas
“Three phrases that sum up Christmas are: Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men, and Batteries not Included”. – English Proverb
Why you need a running coach
“I am training at such a high level that I actually could eat anything and get by. But as my coach always says, your body is like a car, and food is like your fuel. I am a race car, so you can’t just put unleaded fuel in my car. I need that good premium fuel.” Lolo Jones
Friday Favourites – Tips for the start of a Half Marathon
“Reaching the finish line, never walking, and enjoying the race. These three, in this order, are my goals.” ‘What I talk about what I talk about running’, Haruki Murakami
Friday Favourites – Green Vegetables
He was a man nutritionally ahead of his time. He knew how to skull a can….a can of spinach and immediately felt the benefits of being fuelled and powered by green. Popeye was my childhood hero both in stature and diet. We are influenced by those we see on TV and for me, Popeye had more of an influence than I ever knew at the time.
Friday Favourites – High Net Gain Ingredients
At Tarian Pantry, we understand the cycle and power of food. There is a strong connection between what you eat and how you feel. We use our knowledge of plant energy to achieve all our personal and fitness goals.
Friday Favourites – Health benefits of a plant-based diet
“Our bodies want to be healthy, if we would just let them. That’s what these new research articles are showing: Even after years of beating yourself up with a horrible diet, your body can reverse the damage, open back up the arteries—even reverse the progression of some cancers. Amazing! So it’s never too late to start exercising, never too late to stop smoking and never too late to start eating healthier.” -Michael Greger
Friday Favourites – Recovery
“Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirt, which fortunately functions in dependently of logic.” – Tim Noakes, Professor and runner
Surf Coast Century 2016 – Race Report
Making my way along the surf coast walk to the finish line was a feeling I wish I could bottle. I smiled, I congratulated myself and I told other runners to hang in there, we were doing this. I think my enthusiasm and pace at this stage of the race was of an annoyance to some runners but I didn’t want to slow down.
Friday Favourites – Race Nutrition
Race Nutrition; It took me as long to find nutrition that works as it did to train for an ultra marathon. There are plenty of brands and products out on the market keep buying and trying until you find the right one that works for you.
Planted by Tarian Pantry
PLANTED is about educating and challenging you to think further about your food buying and eating habits, and how you view food when it comes to fitness. Join us for a special dinner at Shokuiku on Thursday 22nd September.
Friday Favourites – Cheese
Think you can’t live without cheese? Think again. Dairy free cheeses are a food group within its own right and the varieties available for us to sample are vast. From brie, cheddar, cream cheese and mozzarella there is not a cheese that can’t fulfil your foodie favourites such as pizza, toasted sandwiches even mac’n’cheese.
Health Benefits of Stinging Nettle
The nutritional profile of nettle; packed with magnesium, iron and calcium – all the essential minerals for healthy humans including plant-based athletes.
Trekking for From Farm to Fork
“We all need food to live, so let’s learn how food grows and make it a priority to teach our children about it.” Let’s support today’s farmers and secure the future for tomorrow’s farmers. – Rebecca Mumford, Greenhill Living.
Friday Favourites – Non Dairy Milk
“Essentially Australian Dairy Farms are producing more milk using fewer cows and less space than ever before.” Just because it doesn’t’ have teats doesn’t mean you can’t milk it!
Friday Favourites – Chocolate
“He showed the words “chocolate cake” to a group of Americans and recorded their word associations. “Guilt” was the top response. If that strikes you as unexceptional, consider the response of French eaters to the same prompt: “celebration.” ― Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto
Are you flexible?
“Flexible Dieting isn’t a diet, it’s a way of eating and it’s a lifestyle. The key message I want to give is that the focus needs to shift from WHAT you are eating to the AMOUNTS you are eating.” Danny Kennedy – DK Fitness
Friday Favourites – Desserts
“I’m not a vegetarian! I’m a dessertarian!” ― Bill Watterson, Something Under the Bed is Drooling: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection
Do I need electrolytes?
“When people tell me they can’t afford to join a gym, I tell them to go outside; planet Earth is a gym and we’re already members. Run, climb, sweat, and enjoy all of the natural wonder that is available to you.”
― Steve Maraboli
How to increase your sports performance naturally
“It’s not like you wake up the next morning and feel ten times better. The changes are more gradual and you can see them better once you continue down the path for a while and then look back. In regards to competing and training I noticed my recovery times had shortened, that I was less injury prone, and had a higher level of energy.” – Scott Jurek, Ultramarathoner
Vegan Athlete – Amanda Meggison
“As you navigate through the rest of your life, be open to collaboration. Other people and other people’s ideas are often better than your own. Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.” – Amy Poehler
Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 Ultra SG
Product Review: Salomon S-Lab Sense 5 SG “A proven, lightweight and low drop ultra-distance trail racer designed to perform in wet, soft ground conditions.”
How to prepare for a trail run
According to the book, The Ultimate Guide to Trail Running a “trail” requires three of the following qualities: 1) unpaved; 2) natural obstacles; 3) significant elevation gain/loss; and 4) scenic.
DNF or Push Through – How to decide
“Your body will argue that there is no justifiable reason to continue. Your only recourse is to call on your spirit, which fortunately function independently of logic.” – Tim Noakes, Professor
How to fuel for a double training session
“Exercise is a form of complementary stress. Essentially nothing more than breaking down muscle tissue, exercise is the best way to stimulate regeneration of the cells.” ― Brendan Brazier, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life