Its other peoples stories that help keep us motivated because one day our story could motivate others. We have gained a whole new appreciation for running whilst training for our first marathon and reading 50 marathons 50 days has reminded us further why we run – because we can and we LOVE IT!
This inspiring book takes us on one mans journey to push his body to the limits, to achieve a personal goal and to help & inspire others along the way. There is more to this book than just documenting each marathon. We are given throughout the book priceless tips on nutrition, tips on how to deal with the weather elements, how to develop mental toughness and above all, how to stay motivated. We have learnt so much, we almost have to read it again and take notes!
For anyone who has set a goal and achieved it and for those who through exercise are motivated to see how far we can push our bodies, then this book is a must read. From start to finish, we were continually driven by the words and tips noted and above all, had a bigger smile each time we ran because you really do run faster when you are smiling.
To read more about Dean Karnazes – the man and his running adventures including ultra marathons, visit www.ultramarathonman.com