How do you see someone with a disability? How would you view your life if you were unable to get around without the use of your two legs? Would this be the worse case scenario for living a happy and fulfilled life?
Why is it that we think because someone has a ‘disability’ life suddenly changes path prohibiting them from being able to achieve what they always wanted to achieve? ABLE has you thinking very differently about the population living with a disability; Dylan’s life work is to help change people’s perceptions whether they have disabilities or are able-bodied that you CAN achieve any dream you have your heart & mind set on. Dylan is living proof of that.
This book got me thinking, maybe the glass is half full as opposed to half empty and it had me pondering over those words ‘be willing to accept the consequences of the risk’. See not everyone who is mentioned in this book was born with a disability and it made me realise, no-one is exempt from harm.
Every page is filled with positivity, passion, appreciation, acceptance and friendship. It reminds you never to take life too seriously and to continue to keep raising the bar because you can smash through glass ceilings.
A must read for any age especially those who fight adversity everyday and those who think they are indestructible.
To read more about Dylan Alcott, the foundaiton, Ability Fest, Gold medals and Grand slams click here.
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