Digital Minimalism; it’s all in the name with a few simple rules to follow:
- Define your technology rule
- Take a thirty-day break
- Reintroduce technology
Do you think you could adopt the above practices to help redefine your use of your smart phone or even look to replace your smart phone with a Nokia 3310 3G?
Since the launch of the Apple iPhone in 2007 as a society we have become reliant on this hand held device for almost everything from banking, directions, answers to our questions, music, motivation, inspiration and constant company to help stop any boredom we might experience when we are not connected. We have come to expect things to happen fast. Real fast. We have become increasingly more impatient all thanks to this small computer in our pocket, handbag, backpack and hand.
But when it comes to our phones, who controls who? Do you think you are in control of your usage? Your need to scroll, search and connect? In Digital Mimimalism a quote is used time and time again from Hollier and Tang “Your time = Their money”.
We are a society that is time poor, too busy to do the things we want to do because we are busy just ‘getting shit done’. How many times have you found yourself scrolling on your phone through the various social media pages and when you ‘come to’ out of what feels like a time warp; you are kind of vague…you have just been in a daze for minutes and haven’t even realised that life is actually moving forward around you without you being consciously aware of it.
Our smart phones are small computers in which we take with us everywhere, just the physical presence of the phone changes the course of our thoughts, of your mindset and of your life. I purchased this book for my husband and the ironic thing is, he never finished it because he got distracted by guess what? His smartphone.
This books message may not resonate with every human being but it did me. I now have new habits around my smart phone usage and my mind and time is all the better for it.
To read more about the author, Cal Newport click here.
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