If you think it, you can achieve it. It takes mental & physical strength and just a little bit of madness. Finding Ultra is one man’s journey to see how far you can push the human spirit, to push through more than one obstacle and to redefine what is possible – in Rich’s case, anything is possible you just have to believe.
We hold the key and the power to our life choices, at a fork road we decide which path to walk or run down, we are the owner of our own destiny. We loved this book, it had us travel a journey which saw a transformation in one’s life, accepting that you are accountable for your actions and having the strength to move forward to through pure grit and determination.
Rich Roll is a plant based ultra man, an endurance machine. Though each page of this book, we found ourselves believing we could almost conquer the EPIC5 – five iron-distance triathlons in less than a week. OK so that will take some training, but should we REALLY want to do it, I have no doubt our human spirit will see us achieve any goal we set our mind to do just like Rich Roll did.
Another highly recommended read from the Planted team.
To read more about Rich Roll visit www.richroll.com