We read to inspire, to motivate and to remind us that we should never give up because all good people and athletes keep “pushing the limits’ no matter what.
Pushing the limits is a fitting title for this book – both in life and sport, Kurt’s grit and determination are clear right from early age. No one ever told Kurt he was not capable of climbing a tree, riding a billy cart, participating in sport, one day being an Olympian or conquering Kokoda, actually this was never questioned and this is what is so magical and inspiriting about this book.
If you believe you can do anything and everyone around you tells you so, why would you think otherwise?
A very personal account of the road to now and a reminder that its not all gold medals and success – there are trial, tribulations and a lot of blood & blisters along the way.
In the words of Kurt “I am someone who will never stop. Someone who will never give up. Ever.”
The words, the stories, the message, the determination have stayed with us since finishing this book. We have quoted pages more than once and believe this book is part of the reason why we believe we can do anything too.
To read more about Kurt Fearnley visit www.kurtfearnley.com