A dude rides by in a “dopers suck” jersey. Hamilton chases him down. I’m an ex-doper, and I don’t suck, says Hamilton. The truth shall set you free, Hamilton says.
The Secret Race was recommended to us, we were told once you start reading it you won’t be able to put it down. So we started the book and guess what, we couldn’t put it down.
A compelling book that is brutally honest about what the professional cycling scene was like in 1997 and beyond. Blood doping became the ‘norm’ and it become ‘just what the professionals did’ in order to make it a level playing field. You had to do what everyone else was doing.
This book certainly raises a few questions about what you would do to make it to the top, it tells a story of the choices made and how it all went wrong.
Another highly recommended read from the Tarian team.
To read more about Tyler Hamilton visit www.tylerhamilton.com