A healthier you through plant-based living
A vegan diet can look different for everyone – there’s no one size fits all approach, just like any other diet. With varied tastes and texture pallets, your approach to eating vegan is entirely up to you.
Mind | Body | Food
by amanda
A vegan diet can look different for everyone – there’s no one size fits all approach, just like any other diet. With varied tastes and texture pallets, your approach to eating vegan is entirely up to you.
I took a moment. A moment too think where I wanted each day to go as I move through the new year. I didn’t draw a line in the sand on the 1st January, I drew the line months prior but it seems to mean more around this time of year.
by amanda
As you go about your day, begin cultivating a greater sense of awareness. Reflect and observe everything around you and consider what you consume and ask yourself: How can I reduce, recycle, and reuse?
by amanda
My rituals help balance out the sway between both. I am constantly working on developing myself and understanding what I need at any given time. I know too well I can’t control everything but what I can, I do with a mindfulness awareness that benefits me in life.
by amanda
There is so much we don’t know about the hormonal storm that rages in a women’s body as we age. The good news is, there is more research and interest which is shifting the information available and conversation helping guide us in a direction of calm, clarity and coolness.
by amanda
Being human is complicated. Being a woman is equally as complicated. And going through the ‘pause’ is a mind field of unknowns, frustrations and questions.
It’s a daily practice to not be in fear of your body. Whether that be from a spectacular stack on the trails to a more long-term injury that requires rehab and building up of strength and consistent movement again.
by amanda
In times of sickness, sit with your body, feel the body, and listen. I hear nourishment, not only in rest but food; the importance of quality nutrients at this time of need is never greater.
by amanda
This pause is taking some adjustment; I am in tune with acceptance and letting go but to put it into practice as a female is somewhat difficult.
by amanda
The dialogue surrounding perimenopause and menopause has picked up significant momentum in recent years, particularly within the realm of ultra-endurance athletes. As a coach, I’ve worked with numerous women who have faced challenges understanding why their motivation has decreased and why they’ve noticed physical changes leading to a slower pace.
by amanda
Over the years food pyramid designs have changed but what has remained the same is the content encouraging Australians (and other countries) to eat a varied and balance diet with a foundation of plant-based foods.
She’s brutal and beautiful and to have the opportunity to traverse this environment is nothing short of a privilege. I couldn’t help but think ‘how lucky am I?’
by amanda
Here’s to 2024. You have time, try not to get ahead of yourself; strive to find consistency. Build slowly and go even slower and marvel at the progress of the sustainable build.
by amanda
State of mind is fundamental to everything you experience; it is what shapes you and the moment you are in. I could easily have let my emotions; my ego affect my state of mind, but I had a choice.
by amanda
As I move through my meditation practice, the similarities of running and meditation are becoming more apparent as the awareness grows. It’s this awareness that has made me a more mindful athlete and run coach.
by amanda
We are all unique individuals, but it takes a certain uniqueness to run ultra-distances. You are reading this blog because you are a) either that unique individuals or b) have a desire to become one.
by amanda
As a society we need to start becoming more consciously aware of how we are feeding our minds. There are numerous ways (some good and some not so good) in which you can feed your mind to ensure continuous health and most importantly growth.
Will I miss it when it’s gone? Maybe. Maybe not. My period has been with me for over half my life but sometimes it’s good to say goodbye to things. Agree?
by amanda
Chocolate is widely known as a delectable treat; a romantic gesture, a guilty pleasure and a natural product that has you marvelling at diversity of what the world beyond man made products has and can create.
by amanda
Conscious movement is how you improve your running, how to get through a 5km or even a 50km run; it’s how you understand how to further feel into the body.
A plant-based vegan diet at times is not convenient well not compared to how food is prepared and presented these days so are we questioning the wrong diet when we keep asking about the nutritional benefits of a diet rich in fresh foods?
To be a no meat athlete who adopts a plant-based diet you need to take responsibility for your food choices; have we forgotten the main purpose of food; to fuel us and give us energy – it’s our life force.
by amanda
I tried over many years to engage with the practice of yoga; at first the movement sequence didn’t flow with me; I fought the physical movement as much as I did my mind. I didn’t understand the foundations of this practice.
by amanda
My mindset is now changing to one filled with more happiness; if I let go of the past I can move forward into the future. If I can’t do that then I am not going anywhere. So, what now?
by amanda
For starters you need to be there to run it. You see, despite best efforts to plan and create the story line before the event has taken place it is only something to talk about once it has happened
by amanda
No endurance event or race is without its hiccups, very rarely do races go to plan and for me, this can only be a good thing. When you show up to a start line and hopefully cross the finish line you want to have learnt something; for the good and the bad.
by amanda
I had to get myself out of my head; the inner turmoil was a hinderance not a help, time to turn the inner conversation into something more peaceful and productive. I reminded myself of my strength, my endurance and most importantly my grit.
As an ageing human I am becoming to understand with greater respect the workings of my mind, both emotionally and physically. It’s taken a long time to accept where I am at.
by amanda
I am a runner. A planted runner. I just completed the City to Bay Fun Run Half Marathon and loved every moment of it (except for the bits that were hard but even then, I moved through the pain like a champion).
I had to trust that I had done enough to get me through the race and was more than prepared that the end of the run might be a bit ugly along with recovery. I was realistic about my expectations and didn’t beat myself up for what could have been or should have been.
Every day I work at refining my diet to be the best it can be for not only my athletic health but overall lifestyle health. I am in tune with my body most of the time but every now and then, it challenges me and has been thinking; what do I need to do better?
We all have reasons why we choose to carry out physical sports that challenge us; the operative word being ‘challenge’. I understand the benefits of movement but to challenge ourselves makes us step outside our comfort zone and this can be extremely uncomfortable.
I understand the opportunity I am given to move by choice and how I choose to execute it. I understand each day is a fight, a fight of determination, forgiveness, and acceptance.
We coach numerous individuals who wish to work towards goals that are driven by determination, accountability and the need to find their true athletic self. We train a unique driven mindset that owns their ability to grow and perform.
The odd thing about this virus is, you notice symptoms and when you go to describe them you are left a little perplexed. What you think it is, isn’t. This is what this virus has been all about, confusion.
As a running yogi I am finding myself lost in movement on both the trail and the mat and it’s this realisation that has me thinking more about what and how lead me to this enlightening state.
You can never underestimate the trails; sure, nature has your back, but she can also be unpredictable and when this happens, you need to be prepared.
Which shoe is the right shoe for you? Good question, as a shoe fitter they can help guide you to the right brand/shoe but ultimately, the decision lies with how they feel on your feet.
You want to run faster as an endurance athlete, right? So run faster. Each run session is fast, every workout is like a race and long slow runs and rest days, what’s the point?
I have honoured myself with the acceptance of now as well as recognising the path I have run to get me to where I am now. I cannot change the past, but I can certainly choose how I move into the future.
Adulting isn’t just about ticking boxes; finishing school, reaching a certain age, being able to vote, moving away from your parents, getting a job/career, getting married, having kids or even suddenly everything that confused you now making sense.
One of the most important questions that you should ask yourself, particularly at this time of year is ‘what is the meaning of life?’ According to ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ the answer to the meaning of life is 42.
The food shopping list is essential in order to not forget anything when you brave the supermarket or market for your final food shop before the BIG day.
This time of year is about gifting with thought and awareness, supporting local businesses who support small but thriving businesses and spending your money on sustainable and earth conscious products.
We encourage you to embrace the power of plants this 2021 festive year; to make vegetables the main star on your plate and to celebrate the diversity and taste of plant-based vegan foods.
Do you remember running as a child, the freedom felt by just running around the school yard, down the street and in nature? Then we started to grow up and become body aware, more self-conscious and it was this mindset that changed everything.
Meditation is a daily practice; a daily exercise to help find focus but not to stop the thinking mind, more to create space for your thoughts by just accepting them for what they are and then letting go of them; this is the practice.
by amanda
Monkey mind. Have you experienced it during a race? Even in training? You’ve heard the saying ‘get your head in the game’ and at times this is easier said than done because you have a mind swirling with thoughts, inner conversations and doubt.
The Vegan Festival Adelaide was a weekend of strength, endurance and fuelling 100% powered by plants. The Veg Athleticism workshop was received with much interest from the audience as well as some serious muscle envy going on. Remind me again, where do you get your protein?
The fake meat industry is marketed at the one third of Australian’s who are actively limiting their meat consumption but still want the convenience and familiarity of meat on their plates.
Personally we are not overly enthusiastic or supportive about calling vegetables a ‘steak’, ‘beef burger’ or ‘chicken schnitzel’ because we think plant-based vegetable products should and need to own their own foodie category.
This festival brings together Adelaide’s local vegan and non-vegan community in an atmosphere of celebration and education. And Planted Life will be speaking on stage on Sunday 31st October.
When the balance of minerals and electrolytes (sodium, calcium, potassium, chloride, phosphate and magnesium) are a little off kilter this can make your muscles more susceptible to cramping along with fatigue, poor fitness level, tight and inflexible muscles.
Regardless of your diet choice; the main recommendation is to eat more plant-based foods; foods grown from a plant not from a plant. This is what we refer to as Plant Diversity. If you consume a diverse food palate during the course of a day; you should be ticking all the right nutritional boxes.
We nourish those around us and most importantly ourselves when we tap into the energy of nature. When we adapt to change we gain a better understanding of our life cycle which is entwined deeply with nature.
Imagine this, you are running on the trails when you come to a fork in the road; do you a) follow the trail you always take or b) take the trail less travelled? Training with Planted Life incorporates MIND | BODY | FOOD; we take a holistic approach to training.
We get it, you are feeling a little out of control at the moment so you need to control what you can control and not worry about what you can’t. Control your movements, your routine and most importantly your inner thoughts and conversations.
We all have our different coping mechanisms when life gives us lemons; some choose to suck up the sourness in life and others choose to make lemonade. I don’t know about you but I’m up for making lemonade.
Lockdown gives us time to revaluate, to find new paths from home not just a new series to watch on Netflix. It’s giving us the space to move our bodies, to find new energy and to draw on natures energy that seems to be the one flourishing the most during these turbulent times.
Mornings can be difficult so time to lace up after a hard day of work, run off that stress and turn that tiredness into a peaceful energy to help you run free into the night and sleep heavy until the morning.
I couldn’t help but continue to smile, this race overflowed my cup with happiness and appreciation, this sport is more than just running; it’s a community who build you up.
Plant-based foods are natures medicine and we encourage you to consume daily to help combat the winter colds & flus.
We often hear people say ‘run your own race’ and at times, this is easier said than done. When you are amongst other ‘racers’ in a competitive environment you can get caught up in the excitement of it all.
by amanda
Each race offers me a new lesson about myself and my capabilities, each race I turn a corner of some sort which will assist me in training and future races. This race taught me how to push just that little bit harder, to find a new level of racer within myself.
by amanda
You don’t need to be an elite runner to engage with a running coach. You just need the will to set goals that push you outside of your comfort zone and the desire to be accountable to training sessions that are scheduled to fit in with your life.
by amanda
Be sure to have the right equipment to help light your way to more adventures; because the good times don’t stop once the sun goes down.
by amanda
I may not have won the race but I didn’t lose it either, I just learnt. I may not be where I was in 2018, an ongoing Achilles injury has put a stop to that but I am not throwing in the towel just yet either. I have more in me to discover.
by amanda
The enemy here is not fresh food; we cannot let this propel us towards pre package foods replacing some of our favourite fresh foods. Fresh is still best.
There is no such thing as balance and we don’t strive for it either. We strive for happiness. Peace. Contentment. But most of all we strive for adventure.
It not over until it’s over, you don’t know the outcome until you can no longer fight and if endurance sports has taught me anything, it’s too bloody keep fighting. I needed a half full cup not half empty.
by amanda
We are about embracing all things green; eco-green living and eco-green eating. Now more than ever is your time to step up and change how you see a vegan plant-based diet; time to be part of the ever growing vegolution.
Sowing, growing and harvesting is like a form of magic. I promise you when you ‘grow your own’ you will understand why it’s so magical to eat your own produce.
by amanda
The collaboration between the two businesses is connected not only through “twinning” but through our untapped passion for plants. We are about planting a seed and growing nature’s magic in order to live a more Planted Life .
by amanda
We invest wisely in our food choices, we connect daily with our ingredients and mindfully consume foods that are energy giving not energy taking.
by amanda
You need to forgive those who bastardised vegetables before you in order to live, learn and give more respect to the gifts of natures.
by amanda
Food is the foundation to all things that make you function. Refining your athletic performance should be based around a sound eating plan which satisfies caloric needs based on performance goals, overall energy, immune functioning, and hormonal balance.
by amanda
This challenge is only as hard as your starting point; the endurance side of this challenge was ‘manageable’ for me as at this stage of my journey; having trained and completed 14 x 100km endurance runs over the past 5 years I am more than comfortable with longer distances.
My physical fitness is paramount but equally so is my mental health. Where would I be without the openness and opportunity of running, who knows. What I do know is; running has made me a heathier person inside and out.
Stand firm on the ground in which you walk on, continue to be honest, authentic, mindful and most of all grateful. Appreciate the simplicity that life has to offer, not the glitz and glamour of shopping malls, fast cars, fast money and fast living.
Social distancing may mean we have to stay 1.5m apart physically but mentally we are now closer than ever; this is a new normal I’m happy to adopt.
by amanda
This #isorunnigfest already had a different feel about it; it was so familiar yet being carried out with a completely different format. We were solo runners yet running with others.
Should we be worried about how our personal data is handled by the government? It’s definitely got Australia talking and like anything, theirs a debate brewing and we think, it’s a debate worth having.
There are some reads that sit with you long after you finish the final page. You feel a sense of loss when you put book on the bookshelf to longingly look at each time you walk past. These reads resonated with you at the time of reading; timing is everything right?
The requirement to self-isolate and social distance stepped up a notch during the month of March; when I think about January and February there was vague talk of the virus but the spread, devastation and true uncertainty wasn’t recognised until mad march.
Eat for energy, for nutrition and for wellness. Adopt plant-based habits because they are life giving not life taking.
‘To the left, to the left, every time you run, keep to the left’ hallelujah I am not the only one who thinks this.
Now more than ever, we need to invest in the things that we can control; our diet & food choice, our minds, our bodies, our emotional and physical state.
by amanda
The human and economic toll of this GLOBAL pandemic is difficult for us as an individuals to comprehend and what we are seeing & hearing today is only the beginning; everyone is affected in some way or another.
Have you ever felt a sense of anxiety but calm that has you feeling somewhat uneasy but harmonious? This is how I have felt during the month of February. Maybe it had something to do with this month being a leap year with 29 days.
The relationships I have with my fellow female training partners and runners is one of support and admiration. We lift each other up not bring each other down for reasons such as jealously or sheer competitiveness.
We convince ourselves that the start of a new year means we are renewed, we have somehow set a reset button and come the 12:01 on the 1st January everything is somehow better, happier and easier.
I’m making progress within my household and I congratulate myself for that but I do recognise that I have a long way to go to being the poster girl for plastic free living.
In training and races the elements certainly challenge us both mentally and physically however we can always call upon the energy of the ground we walk on to give us strength and power to push on through. Now it’s our turn to hear the calls of nature; to help her ease the rathe she is bestowing on us at this time.
Turns out when you listen to the conversations of others, you realise you are not alone in you thinking or your doings.
The greatest attribute needed for the Alpine Challenge is adaptability and flexibility, without this you will start on the back foot before you have even begun.
The 3 Bays Portland Running Festival is in its 36th year and I did wonder post event, what the hell have I been doing for all those years, why was this the first time I had participated in this event?
The time came for the dance to begin, I had to suddenly show up and feel comfortable after all there were six other women doing the same. I threw caution to the wind and just moved.
Being the inaugural race, I had the numbers for elevation, a profile map and detailed description notes but what I didn’t have was first hand knowledge of just how undulating, brutal and relentless this course was.
Recovery takes times but it can take longer than you ideally like if you don’t follow the advice of those who are providing recommendations backed by years of research & experience.
Once you open your mind to acceptance you are able to listen and digest the information that is thoughtfully, mindfully and professionally being passed onto you, why? Because you have removed all the roadblocks in your mind and created an openness that only acceptance can offer.
In the spirit of reconciliation Planted Life acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of country throughout Australia and their connections to land, sea and community. We pay respect to the Peramangk people of the Adelaide Hills, the traditional custodians of the land where we live, work and tread lightly. We continue to pay our respects to Elders, past and present and extend that respect to all Aborginal and Torres Strait Islander people today.
Adelaide SA